Friday, 9 November 2018


Kebetulan nampak kakak sepupu kita share satu posting ni. Tak tahu kenapa, rasa terkesan dalam hati. Tapi kita copy paste ni dalam english la yer. Jenuh pulakkk nak translate haaa..hihi..

Saw this from the sharing by my cousin. I just love it & makes my heart calm.
Marriage 💑

☘️In Islam marriage is easy but society make it hard. Marriage is something that will save you from a lot of major sins.

☘️It will improve your relationship with Allah, when you both are praying for each other, when you both are asking jannah for each other. 

☘️When you both support each other It just completely change your life and make it beautiful. 

💚You are a garment for your spouse.If he or she makes a mistake or says something inaccurate, never publicly correct them. A garment covers, protects and beautifies.
— Yasmin Mogahes

To my beloved husband, no matter what, we will always going through together this counting 6 years journey, till Jannah, InshaAllah. ❤️

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